Photodump and highlights from Drupaljam 2024

vrijdag 21 juni 2024 - 336 woorden, 2 min read

On June 12th I attended the yearly Drupaljam conference for the fifth time. My first attend was in 2017. This time it was a special one to remember as I had the honour to meet Dries in person and have some pleasant talks about Nostr.

Drupal’s new Starshot initiative & POSSE

vrijdag 31 mei 2024 - 1090 woorden, 6 min read

At DrupalCon Portland 2024 Dries announced a big and ambitious initiative for Drupal: Starshot. The goal is to build a new default experience for less technical people to build websites with Drupal. This version will extend all core features provided by Drupal combined with all the best community-contributed modules out there.

Photodump and my highlights from Adopting Bitcoin Arnhem

donderdag 30 mei 2024 - 414 woorden, 3 min read

From May 23 till May 25 I was in the Bitcoin capital of The Netherlands: Arnhem. There was a full program around the conference day on Saturday. I and many other bitcoiners gathered to celebrate the 10th anniversary of #bitcoincity Arnhem.

Privacy is binair

maandag 27 mei 2024 - 535 woorden, 3 min read

In de Satoshi Radio podcast aflevering 311 legt Bert Slagter met een paar woorden uit waarom privacy binair is. Hoe denk ik daar over?

Total Trust

maandag 6 mei 2024 - 55 woorden, 1 min read

What if the government is watching you 24/7? For China citizens fighting for human freedom rights this is the reality. This documentary shows how mass surveillance could look like anywhere in any future for discerning citizens. In my opinion this this already exists in our Western democracy in the form of BigTech co-working with many governments.

Empower webapps with the BeforeInstallPromptEvent feature

vrijdag 12 april 2024 - 475 woorden, 3 min read

As a fullstack Drupal developer I’m already working more than two years on an ambitious project for Health-Thing. The project offers a platform where knowlegde is shared between young healthcare professionals about their wellbeing. With this platform the goal is to retain them in this healthcare space as there is a massive fallout in this sector.

Run a Nostr relay with your own policies

dinsdag 2 april 2024 - 2093 woorden, 11 min read

My goal was to find an easy to install, use and configure Nostr relay implementation with custom policies. For example I would like to set a policy where I configure specific event kinds to be transmitted by the relay.

Using Proton Drive as a backup storage location with Rclone

woensdag 13 maart 2024 - 512 woorden, 3 min read

I'm using Proton as my default email service provider since 2022. I’ve more than 500GB storage available. This is quite a lot for just email. So I asked myself, how can I use the remaining amount of storage as an extra backup storage solution with their service Proton Drive?

Why social networks should be based on commons

woensdag 3 januari 2024 - 824 woorden, 5 min read

This seems like a obvious no-brainer, but the current social media platforms do no feed our best interests based on commons. It's your attention that's being harvested for their own interests. Let me outline why enjoyable social networking should work based on commons.

How could Drupal adopt Nostr?

zaterdag 30 december 2023 - 933 woorden, 5 min read

For me this is quite a challenging topic to point out in this blog. In this blog I'm writing some stuff out loud.

Nostr integration for (Drupal powered website)

donderdag 21 december 2023 - 474 woorden, 3 min read

In this blog I will explain how I'm using two Drupal contrib modules to integrate some Nostr features. 1) Setup an internet identifier for a Nostr account and 2) publish a text note when you save a piece of content in the CMS.

Odido's Zyxel T54 DX5401-B1 poorten open zetten werkt niet

maandag 18 december 2023 - 380 woorden, 2 min read

Nadat in april 2023 glasvezel was aangelegd in de meterkast (Sprundel, gemeente Rucphen), kwam er pas na 8 maanden (!!!) licht binnen en dus een werkende internetverbinding. Deze verbinding (1gbit/s) is welliswaar tien keer zo snel ten opzichte van ons vorige abonnement, maar op dit moment ervaar loop ik vast op een beperking van de door Odido geleverde Zyxel modem. Het openzetten / doorschakelen van poorten (portforwaring) werkt niet.

Jitsi Meet op je eigen domeinnaam voor online video afspraken

donderdag 16 november 2023 - 1143 woorden, 6 min read

Voor online video afspraken gebruik ik Jitsi Meet. Sinds enkele maanden heb ik deze tool nu zelf geïnstalleerd en gekoppeld aan mijn eigen domeinnaam In mijn laatste blog leg ik kort uit waarom en hoe ik dat gedaan heb.

Waarom Nostr resoneert

donderdag 2 november 2023 - 1653 woorden, 9 min read

Tijdens de grote Twitter migration eind 2022 was ik zowel in de fediverse (met Mastodon) als met Nostr actief in de weer. Afgelopen zomer was ik er echter niet zoveel meer te vinden. Toch is er op Nostr nog een mooie groep power users aanwezig die enthousiast bouwen aan nieuwe applicaties, specificaties van het protocol verfijnen en allerlei andere technische proof-of-concept realiseren.

Why Nostr resonates

maandag 23 oktober 2023 - 1324 woorden, 7 min read

After the Nostr hype begin this year I was not very active on the network this summer like many others (the same applies to Mastodon). Still, a nice group of power users is still very active and developers are still building clients and improving NIPs. This holds my believe in Nostr strong.