Upgrade to Drush 12

donderdag 5 oktober 2023 - 220 woorden, 2 min read

Drush version 12 is out since June 2023 and is now the new recommended version using Drupal 10. While I was upgrading to this version, I needed to adjust my $PATH for using the drush command.

I ran into the issue that my drush command was broken after I upgraded Drush to version 12 on the Drupal 10 websites I maintain.

$ drush cache-rebuild
The Drush launcher could not find a local Drush in your Drupal site.
Please add Drush with Composer to your project.
Run 'cd "/var/www" && composer require drush/drush'

On some other environments this error could pop up:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Drush Launcher is not compatible with Drush 12+. See https://github.com/drush-ops/drush-launcher/issues/105. in /home/user/domains/yourdomain.com/vendor/drush/drush/includes/preflight.inc:23

Removing Drush Launcher

I always installed Drush globally with a wrapper for my global $PATH with Drush Launcher. This project is now archived and deprecated with Drush 12. To uninstall Drush Launcher, I simply executed this command: rm /usr/local/bin/drush.
You can find your Drush location by using the whereis drush command.

Using the local Drush in your project

The current recommended installation for Drush 12 is to use the Drush binary which you can find in the vendor/bin directory of your packages installed by Composer within your project: vendor/bin/drush.
So, to just use drush again instead of the command vendor/bin/drush, I added this line of code to my ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH="$PATH:./vendor/bin:/usr/local/bin"

It also meant I needed to update my Docker images, server environments and some CI/CD scripts where Iā€™m using drush.

Sebastian Hagens @Sebastix
I work as creative webdeveloper & tech consultant and care about digital freedoms. Follow me:
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