Photodump and highlights from Drupaljam 2024
vrijdag 21 juni 2024 - 336 woorden, 2 min read
On June 12th I attended the yearly Drupaljam conference for the fifth time. My first attend was in 2017. This time it was a special one to remember as I had the honour to meet Dries in person and have some pleasant talks about Nostr.
Opening keynote with Dries
FOSS in 2024
Defend FOSS: We need to remind the world what we’re about.
Past, present and the future of open source panel talk with:
- Dries Butaert of Drupal
- Mathias Bolt Lesniak of TYPO3
- Ben van ‘t Ende of Age of Peers
- Emiel Brok of SUSE
- Patrick Jenner (open source solutions architect)
- Johan Janssens (co-founder Joomla)
Meeting Dries and Nostr talks
Just like many others my Nostr journey began in January 2023 during the TwitterMigration. As a Drupal developer I was completely surprised that the founder of Drupal Dries published a blog item about it a month later Nostr, love at first sight. Dries and I had some contact through Nostr with setting up a internet identifier address (NIP-05) and a lightning address for sending/receiving zaps. During Drupaljam I finally had the chance to meet Dries in person. We had a short pleasant talk about Nostr and some features we could build with it. Dries is still enthousiast about Nostr despite he isn’t using it much (which I totally understand from his role as Drupal project lead and the many projects he’s thriving). Still, occasionally he’s posting notes. He also reposted our picture below. Can you spot the Nostr pin I give him on his lenyard?
Robert Slootjes as the serverless guru
Robert gave a interesting peek behind the scenes how he created a system with own hardware and software for entrance gates used for festivals (ID&T). Visitors with wristbands equipped with RFID tags are able to open them based on different access policies.
Closing keynote with Rens van der Vorst
Photo album: