Photodump and my highlights from Adopting Bitcoin Arnhem

donderdag 30 mei 2024 - 414 woorden, 3 min read

From May 23 till May 25 I was in the Bitcoin capital of The Netherlands: Arnhem. There was a full program around the conference day on Saturday. I and many other bitcoiners gathered to celebrate the 10th anniversary of #bitcoincity Arnhem.

Playing the Blockhunters board game

It was very honourable to play with one of the first prototypes of the boardgame Blockhunters developed by Arnold Hubach.

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Nostr meetup: Nostrdam Arnhem

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A nice small present from Jurjen and meeting Nathan Day in real life from A project that deserves some Nostr integration (which he agrees with!).

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A gift from Bitpopart together with Patrick (who organised Adopting Bitcoin Arnhem), Jeroen, Mr. Bitpopart in the middle and Djuri. I’m on the right ;-)

Gravel at the Veluwe

On Friday morning I enjoyed a 70km gravel ride on the Veluwe to Radio Kootwijk and back. IMG 0943 IMG 0951 IMG 0955 IMG 0961 IMG 0962 IMG 0964 IMG 0966

Bitdevs meetup

In the afternoon I attended the Bitdevs meetup. It was my first time and I expected a lot of technical stuff to be discussed. This wasn’t the case, all conversations were led very professionally in an easy, understandable way. Also, the Silent payments ( feature was introduced to me. A very interesting feature integrated in Bitcoin recently which I would like to dive in later.

Meeting the Noderunners community

On Thursday I got a nice pin from a Noderunner community member. The Noderunners are a community with 200+ bitcoin-only minded people. I already knew some of them, but every time I attend a Bitcoin event I always learn to know new people who are often also members of that community. During the Bitcoin Business meetup on Friday night, I also met a new Noderunner who was also camping at the same site as me. He was literally standing beside me with his tent! IMG 1003 Noderunners on stage noderunners

Conference day

You can check out the livestream recordings here:

These are the sessions I enjoyed the most:

I also got my book The Genesis Book signed by the author Aaron van Wirdum.

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Sebastian Hagens @Sebastix
I work as creative webdeveloper & tech consultant and care about digital freedoms. Follow me:
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